Sunday, October 24, 2010

Apple Bread

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mix Vege Sausage Pizza

Resepi asal kat sini ye.

BASIC BREAD RECIPE (Roshayati Johari)

Ingredients :

500g bread flour/high protein flour
100g sugar
1 teaspoon salt
30g milk powder
1 teaspoon bread improver (optional)
1 teaspoon bread softener (optional)
4 teaspoons instant dry yeast

250ml water
1 egg (lightly beaten)

40g butter
40g shortening

Method :
1. Mix well all ingredients in (A)
2. Add (B) into (A) and knead till smooth.
3. Add (C) and continue kneading till smooth and shiny and dough does not stick to your hand.
4. Leave to prove for 30 - 40 minutes.
5. Punch down the dough to let the air out.
6. Divide the dough according to the weight you wish. Make into balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
7. Shape accordingly.
8. Leave to prove for 40 minutes - 1 hour.
9. Bake till golden brown.

Note :
To make this Sausage Mix Vegetable Buns, I divided the dough to 70g each. Shape it and then sprinkle some mix vegetables on top. Pipe some mayonaise and tomato sauce.

[Edit : For ingredient (C), you can also use 80g margarine OR 80g shortening, instead of 40g butter + 40g shortening ]

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cocktail Pudding

Ramai yg confuse susu sejat dgn susu pekat. Susu sejat = evaporated milk. Susu pekat = condensed milk. Yg digunakan di sini adalah susu sejat ye.

Tadi guna agar2 brand ni. Beli kat Wing n Co.

Fruit salad yg digunakan Home Brand jek.

Masak agar2 ikot instruction dlm paket. Contohnye td agar2 tu 25g kene masak dgn 3L air. Tp tolak ~400 untuk tmbh susu sejat dan ~200 untuk larutkan tepung kastard.

So bahan2 tadi:
25g agar2
2400 mL air
1 tin susu sejat
200 mL air
4 sudu besar tepung kastard
gula secukup rasa (mungkin dlm 1 cwn++)

Masak sumenye atas api sampai mendidih. Then tuang dlm bekas.
*Resepi ni dpt byk juge agar2 nye. Satu baking dish yg besar and satu yg kecik sket.*

Kuah kastard: *Resepi asal by Farahana Yussof ;)*
4biji telur kuning
1tin susu sejat

Kacau dua2 bahan sampai sebati TANPA api. Bila da sebati baru masak atas api sampai pekat.
*Tapi td ade tmbh2 air jugak sbb nk bg byk kuah. And tambah lg satu tin susu sejat*

Cara menghidang:
Potong agar2 kecik2. Masukkan dlm satu mangkuk yg besar. Masukkan fruit salad sekali dgn syrup dia. Tuang kan kuah kastard. Gaul2 bg rata.

P/s: sorry resepi tah pape. Kalo tak paham part mane2 boleh tanye. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Callum Inspired Croissant Pudding

Original recipe from here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Choc Chip Cookies

Bahan A:
180g mentega
100g gula halus
1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 biji kuning telur

Bahan B:
180g tepung gandum
60g tepung jagung
20g serbuk koko
1/2 sudu teh serbuk penaik

1/4 sudu teh garam
70g choc chip
70g kacang (ape2 jenis pon boleh-td guna walnut sbb tu jek ade kat umah)

Pukul bahan A hingga kembang.
Masukkan bahan B yg telah diayak bersama. Gaul rata2.
Masukkan garam, choc chip dan kacang. Gaul sebati.
Bulat2kn dlm 1inci diameter pastu leperkan dgn garfu. *Nk lg besar pon boleh tp ni kira saiz yg sesuai utk ngap terus*
Bakar lebih kurang 15-20minit pada suhu 180'C.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Obviously I didn't make it myself. Bought it from Salamanca Fruit Market.

Cheese Bun

I love it because it's so soft! :) Lupa pulak. Resepinya di sini.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'll try to post step by step pictures next time.

Chicken Pie

Resepi asal amek kat exclusively food.

What i did:

2 pieces chicken breast, diced
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon tepung
1 kiub pati ayam
1/2 cwn susu
1 cwn spinach
1/2 cwn carrot yg diparut
1/2 cwn kentang diparut
1/2 cwn kacang peas
Puff pastry
Garam dan pepper secukup rasa.

Saute daging ayam sampai brown2 sket. Ketepikan.
Tumis bwg putih dgn butter. Tmbh 1 sudu tepung dan kacau bg bubbly.
Tmbh kiub pati ayam, susu, dan sayur2 (suke hati nk letak sayur pe).
Then masukkan ayam semula. Bg adunan inti pekat2. Garam dan black pepper secukup rasa. Pastu masukkan inti dlm pastry yg da diletakkan kat dlm bekas muffin. Tutup dgn pastry laen. Sapu pastry dgn telur. Bakar pada suhu 200'C sampai pastry brown2.

P/s: please2 refer back to original recipe.

Inilah yg terjadi kepada lebihan2 pastry. Cicah dgn kuah garlic prawn sedap juge.

Sambal Udang + Sawi Ikan Masin

Spt bese basic nye adalah tumis bwg dgn serbuk cili sampai pecah minyak. Masukkan udang. Pastu bila udang da agak2 hampir masak pecahkan telur ke dlm sambal. Kacau2. Jgn lupa letak garam dan gula sesedap rasa. :) Ataupon mcm2 mane yg korg biasa buat sambal udang lah.

Ni plak goreng ikan masin, ketepikan. Pastu tumis bwg, letak sos tiram, minyak bijan, chicken stock cube, garam secukup rasa. Masukkan semula ikan masin dan sayur. Biasanya org letak kailan tp da sawi jek ade kat rumah kte guna la sawi. :)

Garlic Prawn

Resepi asal amek kat

Tp td mcm bantai jek tak ingat recipe pon.

Quiche Lorraine

Resepi asal kte amek kat


2 sheets ready rolled shortcrust pastry

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 brown onion, finely chopped

1 cup grated tasty cheese

3 eggs

1 teaspoon plain flour

300ml cream

1/2 cup milk

spinach, mushroom, or other veges


Preheat oven to 200°C. Lightly grease a fluted 3cm deep, 23cm (base), loose-base flan pan.

Line base and sides of flan with pastry. Trim excess. Line pastry with baking paper. Half-fill with dried beans or rice. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove paper and beans. Bake a further 10 minutes or until golden.

Heat oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add onion. Cook until the onion is caramelised. Add mushroom and spinach and cook until the veges wilted. Drain on paper towels. Cool. Sprinkle over pastry. Top with cheese.

Reduce oven temperature to 180°C. Whisk remaining ingredients and salt and pepper in a jug. Pour over the veges. Place onto tray. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until set. Stand for 5 minutes. Serve.