Sunday, November 20, 2011


Ingredients: makes 3 pizza bases
375 mL (1 1/2 cups) warm water
2 tsp (7g/1 sachet) dried yeast
Pinch of caster sugar
600g (4 cups) plain flour
1 tsp salt
60 mL (1/4 cup) olive oil, plus extra for brushing (i just used normal cooking/vegetable oil)


Combine water, yeast and sugar in a small bowl. Set aside for 5 minutes or until foamy.

Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the yeast mixture and oil. Use a round bladed knife in cutting motion to mix until the mixture is combined.

Use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl.

Brush a bowl lightly with oil. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place in the prepared bowl and turn to coat in oil.

Cover with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm, draught-free place to rise for 30 minutes or until dough doubles in size (what i did was I turn on the heater and put the bowl in front of it because there's no way the dough will rise in 30 mins in cold weather)

Then, roll the dough into round shape and put on a baking tray.

Spread pasta/pizza sauce (can be bought from store or you can make it yourselves). Sprinkle your desired toppings be it just cheeses, tuna, prawns, vege, pineapple.

When I made this pizza i just put cheeses because that's what left in my fridge. And also i made just 1/3 of the recipe since it was just for me alone.

Bake for 10-20mins at 180 degree Celsius. To get that rustic brownish colour on top, i turn the oven to grill mode for few mins.

Got the recipe from here.