Friday, June 15, 2012


Recipe coming soon!

aglio e olio

Oh my gosh. It's really been a while since i last posted here. Too lazy to post? Too busy as a 4th year student? Too occupied with a new phone? Probably a lil bit of everything. I don't always update my blog, but when i do, i make few posts at a time. For the recipe of this aglio e olio, i adapted it from NoobCook.

It is the simplest ever pasta dish. Being obsessive and compulsive cook i am, i just had to try. Overall it's quite good. Would love it more if i added some seafood maybe but yeah that was fine.

Few cloves of garlic (crushed/pounded)
Olive oil (i cheated, i used olive oil spread)
Chilli flakes

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Salmon Wonton, Zucchini+Sweetcorn Frritters, Zucchini+Sweetcorn+Salmon Fritters

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tang Yuan

Tang Yuan. hahahaha. the easiest recipe ever. I was browsing Asian Food pictures and a couple of food blogs when suddenly I have the urge to make onde-onde or even just tang yuan. So i quickly went into the kitchen to see whether I have glutinous rice flour or anything else that i can turn into Asian dessert.

So, luckily enough I do have glutinous rice flour and I knew I have brown sugar (gula kabung). Onde-onde seems harder than tang yuan so of course I chose to make tang yuan.

glutinous rice flour
brown sugar
white sugar
ginger slices

Mix glutinous rice flour, water and some salt until the dough doesn't stick to your hands.
Meanwhile, boil two pots of water. One pot to make the sugary syrup. Another to cook the dough. (I'm not sure if you can just cook the dough in the syrup. You can try and let me know)
For the syrup, add brown sugar and white sugar to your likings. Add the ginger slices.
Pinch a bit of the dough to form a ball.
Slowly put the dough into the boiling water. When the balls are cooked, they will float. Transfer the balls into the syrup. Repeat the process until all the dough finished.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Steamed Eggs

Came over this recipe last night when I was browsing the blog Little Corner of Mine. Obviously it looked nicer in that blog.
I just had the urgency to try this today. So i did.

Ingredients: I just estimate the amount to my likings
Crushed garlic
Crushed ginger
Oyster sauce
Soy sauce
Sesame oil
Crushed chilli (optional)
Corn flour dissolved in some water.

Measure eggs by volume and pour them to heat-resistant bowl that you want to use to steam them in. Beat the eggs.
Add water to the equal amount as the eggs before.
Mix together.
Add some salt to taste and steam them for about 15mins.

Meanwhile, saute the garlic, ginger and chilli until fragrant.
Add oyster sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil.
Add water.
Add the corn flour mixture.
After the eggs have been steamed. Pour the sauce onto the eggs. You can garnish with chopped spring onions and fried shallots and serve.

The texture of the eggs is so silky smooth, almost like the egg tofu.
Hehe and my sauce is a bit watery. Put too much water after the sauce thicken up like dough since I put too much corn flour.

Crab Rangoon

I've been wanting to eat wontons or some time now. So last week I had the chance to make some for myself.

Basically what you need is shredded crab meat, cream cheese and wonton wrappers.
Shredded crab meat (170g) - bought this from Woolworths
Wonton wrappers - can be bought from Woolworths or Coles

Basic mixture:
Mix equal amount of softened cream cheese and crab meat. When I made this, I just used all 250g cream cheese to make things easier. But next time I might use more of the crab meat or follow the original recipe (equal amount).

To spice things up:
I came across one recipe which adds soy sauce, grated ginger, finely chopped onion. This will make the wontons to taste more asian-like.

I did the basic mixture first then I fry some. Then I added all the asian stuffs and I like it better. So it's up to you.

The wrapping
First brush the wonton wrappers with egg white (actually water will work as the 'glue' as well i figured)

Put some of the mixture in the middle

Fold like this. Make sure no air is trapped (important to avoid the wontons from bursting when you fry/steam/boil them)
Brush the corner of the triangle

And fold like this

Hehe then heat some oil for deep frying. Well, I didn't take picture of the final product since they burst when I fried them. You can also steam them or put them into soup. But I like the deep-fried better. Who doesn't? :P

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Ingredients: makes 3 pizza bases
375 mL (1 1/2 cups) warm water
2 tsp (7g/1 sachet) dried yeast
Pinch of caster sugar
600g (4 cups) plain flour
1 tsp salt
60 mL (1/4 cup) olive oil, plus extra for brushing (i just used normal cooking/vegetable oil)


Combine water, yeast and sugar in a small bowl. Set aside for 5 minutes or until foamy.

Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the yeast mixture and oil. Use a round bladed knife in cutting motion to mix until the mixture is combined.

Use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl.

Brush a bowl lightly with oil. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place in the prepared bowl and turn to coat in oil.

Cover with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm, draught-free place to rise for 30 minutes or until dough doubles in size (what i did was I turn on the heater and put the bowl in front of it because there's no way the dough will rise in 30 mins in cold weather)

Then, roll the dough into round shape and put on a baking tray.

Spread pasta/pizza sauce (can be bought from store or you can make it yourselves). Sprinkle your desired toppings be it just cheeses, tuna, prawns, vege, pineapple.

When I made this pizza i just put cheeses because that's what left in my fridge. And also i made just 1/3 of the recipe since it was just for me alone.

Bake for 10-20mins at 180 degree Celsius. To get that rustic brownish colour on top, i turn the oven to grill mode for few mins.

Got the recipe from here.