Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Mengintai scones dlm oven.

Naek sket.

Cracked 1.

Cracked 2.


Resepinye kte amek kat sini kayh. Tips2 pula ade kat sini.

Sedikit housekeeping issues, ikot jek sebijik2 arahan dia. Kalo dia kate guna pisau kacau tu, guna pisau la. Jgn guna tgn spt yg kte bwat td. Kalo guna tgn akan terlebih mix adunan tu so jd cam keras sket n x hollow. Overall kte berpuas hati dgn percubaan pertama ini. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cheese Tart

Ini adelah rupa tart casing sblom dibakar.

Sbnrnye da lame gle da plan nk bwat cheese tart. Tp da bejuta kali kot kuakn cream cheese dgn butter dr peti sejuk pastu masukkn smule sbb tade mood plak nk bwat. Akhirnye, hari ini terlaksanalah plan itu. (Mukadimah ltak kat bwh sbb gmbr ni takmo turun bwh. Tensi da nk adjust)

Ini lepas bakar. Fresh dari oven.

Zoom kasi dkat sket.

Dekat lg.

Dan, taraaaa!

Resepi asal kte amek kat sini.

Bahan-bahan ( 10 biji )

  • Bahan untuk Sweet Pastry:-
  • 125 gm mentega / margerin = half butter
  • 60 gm gula aising = setgh cwn
  • 1 biji telur (gred B) saiz sederhana besar
  • 240 gm tepung gandum = 2 cwn lebih sket
  • Bahan untuk Cheese Filling(inti):-
  • 250 gm cream cheese = 1 tub cream cheese
  • 50 gm gula aising = hampir2 stgh cwn
  • 20 gm mentega (lembutkan) = 1 1/2 sudu besar
  • 1/2 sudu besar perahan lemon
  • 1 biji telur (gred B)
  • Blueberry pie filling - gune jam anggur jek. tak jumpela blueberry filling tu kat Tunas Manja.


  1. Panaskan ketuhar pada suhu 180 C.
  2. Untuk membuat sweet pastry: -pukul mentega/marjerin dan gula aising sampai creamy. masukkan telur, pukul lagi. Selepas itu masukkan tepung. Gaul hingga membentuk doh. Tekankan doh tadi ke dalam bekas tart. Tekan kedalam kemas-kemas. Trim tepinya dengan batang sudu atau pisau. Bakar pada suhu 180 C untuk 15-20 minit. Tunggu sejuk dulu baru keluarkan daripada acuan tart. Kte dgn slambe telah membakar dgn acuan2 skali ble da ltak inti. Dgn itu bersusah-payahla nk mencabutnye last2.
  3. Untuk membuat cheese filling: -pukul cream cheese, mentega dan gula aising till fluffy. Akhir sekali masukkan telur dan perahan lemon, pukul.
  4. Sendukkan cheese filling tadi kedalam piping bag dan pipekan kedalam doh tart yang sudah dibakar tadi. Hiaskan diatas dengan blueberry filling dan susun diatas dulang pembakar dan bakar pada suhu 180 C selama 10 minit atau filling tadi nampak macam kering sedikit.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pencuci Mulut

Puding Kastard yg dicurah dgn susu sejat. Weeeeeee!

Aiskrim potong. Perisa kacang merah. Yummm!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mi Goreng Mamak

Ayam Masak Merah

Ini adelah lauk tengahari td. Cemane nk bgtao resepi ek sbb sume ltak cam agak2 jek.
Ayam - stgh ekor, ltak kunyit n garam pastu goreng
Bwg blend - 2,3 senduk
Cili blend - 1 senduk
Halia - 1cm hiris nipis
Gajus - segenggam, goreng dulu
Sos cili - 3,4 sudu besar
Bwg besar - sebiji, hiris
Garam dan gula secukup rasa

Tumis bwg, cili, n halia sampai wangi or sampai minyak kua. Masukkn sos cili. Kacau2 lg. Kalo nk bg cair sket leh ltak air dlm stgh cwn camtu. Pastu bg mendidih jap. Masukkn bwg besar. Kaco2 lg. Ble bwg da layu sket, masukkan gajus dan ayam. Kacau rata2. Taraa!

Pulut Durian

Aritu mase balek kampung 5 hari, alang ade beli durian. Then dia ltak kat bakul motor kat depan umah. Kte ngan angah duk kat area depan tu duk nengok the mentalist. Pastu tbe2 duk bau durian. Cam pelik gak la tp bwat tatao jek. Kitorg ingat maybe angin bwk ke ape ke. Huhuh. Pastu mase alang kua nk sidai baju tgk2 durian da tinggal kulit jek atas seat motor. Biji durian besepah. Rupe2nye kera da mkn dulu. Ches pnye kera. Dgn itu baru la kitorg tao alang ade beli durian.

Petang tu jugak alang cal paklong suro carik lg durian sbb durian tu sbnrnye nk bwat mkn2 utk org yg tlg2 kenduri tahlil ptg before kenduri. Naseb baek dpt juge. Yg kte ngan angah lak teringin nk mkn durian yg fresh. Sblom tu duk cuit2 jek mase org nk bwat pengat. Then suro la abah beli esoknye otw balek. Jd ni lah hasilnye. Taraaaa! Pnjg sungguh bercerita ntah ape2. Haih.

Daku tolong godek2 jek. Tp yg pasti ade santan dari sebiji kelapa kot. Pastu 2,3 keping gula kerek, dan gula putih secukupnye sampai manis. Tp mmg manis gle2 kot mase masak tuh. Mama kate kene bwat manis2, nanti kalo da mkn ngan pulut rasenye just nice jek. Ye lah kot.

Satu lagi mestila tolong mkn. Huhuh.

Chocolate Moist Cake

Aritu secara tbe2 craving nk mkn kek coklat. Teringat Cik H bwat ikot resepi cousin dia, sdap juge so nk try lah. Pastu g la kat website Chef Kamarul tu. Tgk2 resepi n brg ape yg nk pastu g Tunas Manja beli pape yg patot.

Resepinye leh dpt kat sini. Adeyh. Sambil menulis post ini, teringin plak lg nk mkn kek coklat. Maybe nanti leh bwat kot sbb mama cam bising jek tepung kek byk lg. Nanti ble kte da balek Hobart cnfrm tepung kek tu xde org nk gne pnye. Mungkin2.

Huhuh. Ini la rupenye. Ade org kate coklat parut kat atas tu cam sesuatu.

Tp sesuatu apenye. Kn coklat tu.

Sepotong kek coklat.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ade byk pekare rase nk tulis kat sini tp kdg2 rasenye mcm x perlu. Waaaaa. Adekah blog ini akn terabai? Akn ku cuba selamatkan ia. Mungkin ble da start blaja nanti mcm2 rase nk tulis sbb malas nk blaja. Huhuh.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Burn Your Name - Powderfinger

I was stumbling right by
Like a wreck I came to you
So I staggered through the night
Seeking out your rescue blues
Gonna burn your name right across the sky
So I never forget what the feeling's like
Gonna burn your name right across the sky
So I never forget what the feeling's like

I want every single soul to know
That I love you for what you are
So I sound the bells that praise your precious heart

So tomorrow will arrive
And I burst a broken light
And a spell will hold us back
Shattering like glass

I want every single soul to know
That I love you for what you are
So I sound the bells that praise your precious heart

(Burn your name right across the sky
So I never forget what the feeling's like) x4

I want every single soul to know
So I sound the bells that praise your precious heart
I want every single soul to know
So I sound the bells that praise your precious heart

Gonna burn your name
Gonna burn your name

*I was given this song by someone special. Honestly I'm not the fan of the music but the lyric is so meaningful. Thank u so much!*

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chicken Kung Pao

1/2 kg ayam - bhgn dada (tp kte slambe jek guna bhgn2 laen jugak. tp potong kecik2)
4 sudu besar tepung jagung
1 sudu kecik garam
2 biji bwg besar - potong dadu
4 ulas bwg putih - tumbuk
2 inci halia - tumbuk
5-6 ulas cili api - tumbuk juge (kalo x suke pedas leh omit sbb family kte mkn pedas - kalo x pedas x laku la jwbnye)
Segenggam cili kering - potong 2 inci pastu goreng garing n tepikan
2 sudu besar sos tomato
3 sudu besar sos tiram
1/4 cwn air - atau agak2 la
Segenggam kacang gajus - goreng dulu

Ayam digaul dgn tepung jagung n garam pastu goreng ikot kegaringan yg disukai pastu tepikan.
Tumis bwg putih, halia, n cili api sampai garing. Masukkan bwg besar. Bila agak2 da layu tu kte masokkn sos tiram n sos tomato. Masukkan air sket. Kaco2 lagi. Pastu masokkn ayam, cili kering n kacang gajus. Kaco2 bg rata. Heh. Sng jek. Pakai cmpk2 pon boleh. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hasil Magic Shredder

Haa. Spt yg dijanjikn, inilah hasil magic shredder tu.

Sblm digoreng.

Slps digoreng.

Cerita Hari Ini

Arini kte balek kg jap melawat alang. Slps bbrp jam kat kg, kte pon balek umah. Otw ke Triang singgah Bahau jap ingat nk beli kukus tp cam mahal plak. Instead, kte beli brg2 laen yg totalnye lbey kurg RM50. Haih. Brg2nye ialah:

Magic shredder. Ni nanti ble kte da potong2 sayur kte upload lg gmbr tunjuk hasilnye.

Kuali kecik utk bwat kuih cucur.

Acuan utk bwat cheese tart. Nanti ble da bwat, gmbr akn diupload skali dgn resepi.

Acuan kuih cara, yg lame tu mcm da x elok.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cream Puffs

Alright, ni pulak cream puffs. Bwat kat Tassie camni la rupenye. Ble bwat kat umah, ntah rupe ape sampai Ayip pon complain. Tak serupa langsung mcm dlm gmbr. Anyway, resepi ni amek kat mane tah. Tak ingat tp maybe nanti leh carik smule n ltak credit. Resepi ni combination dari 2 tukang masak. Kalo nk tao, puff nye tu kte panggil 'choux pastry'.

Choux pastry:
1/2 cwn (70g) tepung gandum
1/2 sudu teh gula
1/4 sudu teh garam
1/4 cwn (4 sudu besar) (57g) mentega tanpa garam - kalo gune yg salted butter leh omit garam
1/2 cwn (120ml) air
2 biji telur (pukul sket) *tp x gne pon, ok jek jd nye pastry ni*

Egg wash glaze:
1 biji telur
1/8 sudu teh garam

Custard filling:
2 sudu teh tepung kastad segera
1 cwn susu segar
2 sudu teh gula

gula aising

Panaskan oven dgn suhu 180-200 darjah C.
Campur sume bhn choux pastry dlm periuk n kaco sampai butter cair n adunan sebati.
Kaco lg sampai adunan x melekat kat periuk.
Angkat n salin kat mangkuk laen n biar sejuk skjp.
Bila da sejuk, masukkn telur n kaco sebati.
Masukkan ke dlm piping bag n buat bentuk2 atas dulang pembakar.
Bakar selama 25-30 min atau sampai kuning sket pastry tu.

Untuk custard filling plak, campur sume bhn n masak atas api sampai dia likat.

Bila pastry da sejuk, belah pastry tp jgn sampai putus n isikn dgn krim kastad.

Bila nk hidang, ayakkn icing sugar ke atas cream puffs.


Chocolate Indulgence

Resepi ni kte amek kat page Auntie Yochana. Rasenye ala2 mcm yg kat Secret Recipe tu jugak. Almaklumla, kat Tassie tu mane de Secret Recipe kn.

Ingredients for sponge cake:

Sift together:
60 gm. cake flour
50 gm. cornflour
50 gm. self-raising flour
25 gm. cocoa powder

4 eggs (Grade A)
175 gm. sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp. chocolate paste
30 gm. cornoil
1/2 tsp. Vanilla essence

Dark Chocolate Mousse:
600 gm. whipped cream
160 gm. dark chocolate - melted
160 gm. white chocolate - melted

Chocolate Topping:

150 ml. whipping cream
350 gm. dark chocolate (chopped)
1 Tbsp. light corn syrup (optional)
1 Tbsp. unsalted butter


(1) Whisk eggs and sugar at high speed until thick and creamy.
(2) Fold in sifted ingredients with a spatula, fold in chocolate emulco and lastly fold in cornoil. Mix till just blended. Pour into a 9" round tin and bake at 180C for about 45 mins. or till cooked.
(3) Leave cake to cool completely then slice into 4 layers.
(4) For Mousse: Divide the 600 gm. whipped into two portions. 1 portion = 200 gm and the other 400 gm.
(5) Add melted dark chocolate into the 200 gm. whipped cream.
(6) Add melted white chocolate into the 400 gm. whipped cream. Divide mixture into 2 parts.
(7) Place a slice of cake on a cake board, spread with 1 part of white chocolate mousse cake.
(8) Place another slice of cake on top of the white chocolate mousse cake then spread all the dark chocolate mousse. Top up with another slice of sponge cake.
(9) Spread the other portion of white chocolate mousse on top and then top up with the last layer of sponge.
(10) Cream the cake thinly with some whipped cream and put into the fridge to harden the whipped cream for a while.
(11) For Chocolate topping: Melt whipping cream and chocolate in the microwave often till chocolate is soft. Stir the mixture till smooth and shiny. Add in light corn syrup and butter and stir till well mixed. Pour this topping on top of cake and then chill it in the fridge till set.
(12) Serve cake chilled and slice the cake with a warm knife.

masih mencari ruang, waktu, dan mood utk mula menulis.